Kerry Aguirre
Kerry Aguirre

I can deadlift 225 lbs, I can perform the toes to bar movement, I made it to the 2024 CrossFit Open semifinals in my age group, I can motor through a WOD that includes dumbbell devil presses.


CrossFit Level 1

MBA from University of Nevada, Reno

Past President x 3 years of my Rotary Club


Kerry Aguirre

I have always been physically active in some way throughout the years. I was an accomplished swimmer in junior high and high school, and enjoyed physical challenges.  Once I was out of school I continued to stay active in one way or the other, but nothing more than active movement like hiking or occasional aerobic classes.  In my mid 50’s I started running short distances.  My daughter introduced me to CrossFit about 13 years ago and I was hooked.  It was my first introduction to Olympic Lifts, functional movements, high intensity workouts, and the benefits from a constantly varied combination of the three. Since that time, I’ve grown stronger physically and emotionally through a true change in lifestyle. I enjoy the encouraging, welcoming, and supportive culture that CrossFit affiliates are known for.

I want my peers to know that it is never too late to start exercising. We fool ourselves as we age and many “expect” to behave differently because we are growing older.  We all age, but illness and frailty is mostly a result of inactivity. I am able to get down on the floor to plan with my grandchildren and great grandchildren, and I have set a healthy example to my adult children. I may not always be able to do a burpee or an overhead squat as I move into my 70s and 80s but I know I have enough muscle and flexibility to get myself up off the floor if I find myself there.  That’s quality of life! I will be able to live independently, longer, because I am agile enough to do so.